A capsule uniform collection for one of the best Mediterranean restaurants, Sea, Signora by chef Antonio Fresa.
The color scheme is Italian marina, with its Ligurian azure and Calabrian sand: transparent turquoise under the keel and sun-scorched paint of the cabina di spiaggi, the beach houses.
The vests and jackets for the management staff are made of fine Italian wool; the chefs' pants are 100% cotton. These pants feature embroidered crabs from the SEA, SIGNORA brand book and on almost every item of the uniform collection there is also silk embroidery with the name of a "signora".
The print on the shirts is a tulip in a vase, a pattern from the signature graphic style.
The drawstring pants and short-sleeved shirts are a reference to resort fashion, the waiters' and bartenders' vests to the traditional panchottos worn by ethnic Siciliani on holidays.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Lyubov Kannika
MODELS: Alexandra Stroganova,
Ilya Sevostyanov